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Regulatory reports and company disclosures

Solvency and Financial Condition Reports

The Group’s Solvency and Financial Condition Report (“SFCR”) provides an overview of the Group’s financial position including information on business performance, system of governance, risk profile, valuation of assets and liabilities for solvency purposes and capital management.  Entity‑level information for Quilter Life & Pensions Limited is included within the appendices to the Group SFCR.

IFPR Disclosures

The following Disclosures are published in accordance with the Investment Firms Prudential Regime (IFPR) set out in the Prudential Sourcebook for MiFiD Investment firms (MIFIDPRU) and include the regulatory framework that governs the amount and nature of capital resources that investment firms must hold.

Subsidiary company annual reports

The following subsidiary company annual reports contain the Section 172(1) Statements and, where applicable, the Corporate Governance Statements that these companies are required to make in accordance with The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018.

Shareholder Rights Directive

Under EU and FCA rules we provide certain disclosures regarding our UK insurance business, where investment is being made in shares traded on a regulated market.

about the Shareholder Rights DirectiveFind out more