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Board responsibilities

The Quilter plc Board (the ‘Board’) is the ultimate decision-making body for matters of Group-wide strategic, financial, risk, regulatory or reputational significance. It is responsible to shareholders for creating and delivering sustainable shareholder value through the management of the Group’s businesses. It determines the strategic objectives and policies of Quilter plc (‘Quilter’) to deliver long-term value, providing overall strategic direction for the Group.

The roles, responsibilities, experience and expectations of the key positions on the Board are described in more detail in our Board Charter. Further information regarding the way in which the company is governed and operated is outlined in Quilter’s Articles of Association.

In order to support the Board in the discharge of its duties, it has established a number of Board Committees whose roles and responsibilities can be found here. Whilst the Board delegates certain activities to Board Committees and members of Executive Management, it maintains a clear Schedule of Matters Reserved for its decision making.

Board Diversity

Quilter aims to foster an inclusive culture which encourages diverse perspectives by ensuring everyone’s contribution is valued and all colleagues can fulfil their potential irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation, and educational or social background. The Board acknowledges the significant benefits that diversity brings to our shareholders, customers, business and people, and plays a key role in ensuring its membership reflects diversity in the broadest sense.

The Board has outlined its approach to diversity through the adoption of a formal Board Diversity Policy which includes specific diversity objectives. The Board Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee is responsible for the oversight of our Board Diversity Policy.  

The Committee regularly reviews the structure, size and composition of the Board and its Committees, and recommends the appointment of any new Directors to the Board. All appointments are made on merit, taking account of the skills, experience, knowledge and background needed to ensure a well-rounded and effective Board. The Board remains committed to meeting the requirements of one third of the Board meeting the female gender diversity target as set by the Hampton Alexander review. The Board is further mindful of the recommendations as set out in the Parker Review when recruiting new Board members. 

The Committee reports annually on the Board’s diversity in the Quilter Annual Report and Accounts, which can be found here.