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Inclusion and Diversity Action highlights

As at 31 December 2024

In July 2024 we published a refreshed three-year Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Action Plan setting out the plan and targets we have set ourselves.

The plan builds on the strong foundations established and focuses on the key areas that require improvement and actions required to prompt change. Quilter is unwavering in its commitment to taking clear and impactful action, fostering a culture where diversity thrives and drives innovation.

The Action Plan is endorsed by the Quilter plc Board and delivery is overseen by the Inclusion and Diversity Executive Committee, chaired by Quilter’s Chief Executive Officer.

Key successes from the plan include:

  • increased representation of women and ethnically diverse colleagues in senior management roles, but our impact goes beyond that, we’ve made progress at all levels and across underrepresented groups more broadly;
  • a significant increase in data disclosure among colleagues with several demographic areas exceeding industry peers; and
  • the establishment of employee networks including the launch the I&D forum, and a Disability and Neurodiversity support group (Diverse Abilities). The I&D forum is open to all colleagues and continues to play an active role, giving colleagues the opportunity to deepen their understanding and empathy.

Our ambition is to build on our progress and reach a more advanced stage of diversity, equity and inclusion maturity by 2027. To achieve this, we will prioritise initiatives that foster inclusive leadership, strengthen management information systems, and enhance reporting on diversity and inclusion metrics. Additionally, we will invest in talent management and learning programmes to support growth and development at all levels.

Our early careers programme will continue to nurture emerging talent, while targeted training and coaching initiatives will be expanded to drive high performance and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Together, these efforts will ensure a diverse, inclusive, and high performing organisation.

Quilter’s I&D Action Plan has 3 core goals, specifically:

  1. To evolve our culture and bridge the gap between minority and majority groups by focusing on the differing needs of all our people.
  2. To grow our reputation as a responsible employer that attracts, develops, retains, and fully engages all of the diverse talent across our organisation.
  3. To increase the representation of underrepresented groups at all levels and meet the targets set for our Senior Leadership team.

We continue to track positively against the 5 strategic areas which underpin our I&D Action Plan and continue to make progress in diversity data disclosure with strong completion rates, exceeding industry norms across many areas. We also continue to meet Board and senior leader diversity targets in line with the Listing Rules, Parker Review and FTSE Women Leaders Review.

Our goals

As at 31 December 2024 the proportion of females in senior management roles was 41% and the proportion of ethnic minorities was 6%, a fall from 43% and 9% respectively, against prior year. We are pleased that we continue to exceed our gender diversity target of 40% by the end of 2025, and are mindful of the need for sustained focus, as progress toward our long-term inclusion and diversity commitments will take time and may not always be linear. The senior management population is relatively small, making representation sensitive to even modest changes in year. To further reinforce our long-term goals, we have set out a new minimum target for the end of 2027 to have 13% of our senior management population from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

Colleague diversity disclosure as at 31 December 2024

Endorsed by the Board and led by the Chief Executive Officer, the I&D Action Plan sets out our belief in the importance of data in order to provide deeper insight into Quilter’s progress. Having data provides a firm foundation to identify areas for improvement and shape the strategy and action needed to achieve our goals.

We set an ambitious target to achieve an 80% completion rate across seven areas including gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, and socio-economic background (SEB). We have achieved positive completion rates that exceed industry norms across all areas, though our disability disclosure rate remains lower than desired relative to other categories and we have put in place the necessary steps to support an increase over the next year.  We have achieved particularly high data completion rates for new starters (98 – 99%) as a result of changes we have made to the hiring process.

Our diversity dashboard informs our activity and allows us to monitor progress achieved. Whilst we have been voluntarily reporting on ethnicity pay gaps for over three years, our data is now more robust, allowing us to assess pay and performance outcomes in greater detail. Where appropriate, we share insights with managers to drive meaningful action.

We are proud of these levels of disclosure and the trust our people place in us to use this information in building and retaining a diverse workforce.

Data disclosure responses rates

  Gender Gender identity Sexual orientation Ethnicity Disability Age group Religion SEB
Dec - 23 100% 55% 76% 91% 56% 100% 83% 65%
Dec - 24 100% 63% 81% 92% 54% 100% 86% 73%

The data above is as at 31 December 2024 and staff are asked to contribute their data via an electronic portal. For detail on the diversity of our Board directors see page 62 of the 2024 Report & Accounts.

Diversity engagement

Scores from Quilter’s employee engagement survey, Peakon, demonstrate that colleagues are showing high levels of satisfaction with our efforts to maintain a diverse workforce and create an environment where every individual feels included.


A diverse workforce is a clear priority at Quilter (for example, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, neurodiversity, disability, religion, sexual orientation, educational, social and cultural background).






At Quilter, people of all backgrounds are accepted for who they are.





Source: Quilter Peakon survey September 2024

Women in Finance Charter

Quilter is proud to be a signatory of the Charter which requires firms to work together to create more gender balance at all levels across financial services firms. It is a voluntary initiative, led by the Treasury, aimed at promoting best practice.

We signed the Charter to help us realise our commitment to creating an inclusive culture and accelerate our efforts to build a more diverse organisation. Like other financial services firms, despite roughly equal proportions of male and female employees overall, we have fewer women than men in senior management positions. Signing the Charter will help address this imbalance.

When we signed up to the Charter in 2018, we had 33% women in senior management. As of 31st December 2024, we had 41% female representation in senior management. As we work to attain these medium-term minimum goals, we will continue to set stretch targets for the executives that will drive and support diverse representation across our senior management population.

Gender and ethnicity pay gaps reporting

Quilter has made steady progress in reducing the average gender pay gap over the past few years. The mean gender pay gap improved to 27% in 2024, down from 29% in 2023, while the median pay gap remained at 30%. Whilst it is positive that the trend is improving, the mean gap remains slightly above than the Financial Services industry average.

Quilter’s mean ethnic pay gap increased to 18% from 15% in 2024, and the median ethnic pay gap rose to 15% from 8%. Given the smaller numbers involved – with colleagues from ethnically diverse backgrounds comprising 13% of the workforce – the pay gaps are more susceptible to larger swings from changes in the underlying population than in respect of gender. Moreover, we have made significant strides in hiring more ethnically diverse colleagues into entry and early professional level roles, which is crucial for building a diverse talent pipeline but has had an adverse short-term effect on the ethnicity pay gap, as a higher proportion of these hires are initially in lower-paid roles.

Quilter’s pay gaps reflect the ongoing challenge for the industry as a whole to attract and promote more females and colleagues from ethnically diverse backgrounds into higher paid roles in revenue generating areas and senior management positions. The next phase of the I&D Action Plan aims to address this challenge through key foundational actions for long-term, sustainable change.

Gender pay gap1 2024 2023
Mean hourly pay gap 27% 29%
Median hourly pay gap 30% 30%
Mean bonus gap 55% 57%
Median bonus gap 45% 39%
Female colleagues receiving a bonus 94% 94%
Male colleagues receiving a bonus 94% 94%
Ethnicity pay gap1 2024 2023
Mean hourly pay gap 18% 15%
Median hourly pay gap 15% 8%
Mean bonus gap 47% 48%
Median bonus gap 38% 30%
Colleagues from ethnic minority group receiving a bonus 89% 83%
White colleagues receiving a bonus 95% 94%

1The methodology for calculating our gender and ethnicity pay gaps follows UK government guidelines.

Recognition and Awards

In July 2024, we were awarded a Gold Standard by LGBT Great Financial Services for the second time, a recognition of our excellence in LGBT+ inclusion. We achieved this by submitting our Inclusion Index Benchmark Tracker (iiBT) which measures our performance across five pillars: Strategy, Culture, Brand, Policy, and Team. The Gold standard requires a high level of competency across the majority of these pillars, and we are proud to have met this criterion and aim to retain this standard each year.

Quilter's I&D action plan has also won two external industry awards:


Best DE&I Initiative
PIMFA DEI Awards 2024

Highly Commended

Best DE&I Initiative
Professional Adviser Awards 2025

Further information

Reports and statements

An overview of the governance in place.

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